28 October 1999 Edition
Community workers sit-in
A sit-in by community workers whose jobs are threatened has secured what may be a reprieve for vital services to people in Dublin's South Inner City.
On Tuesday, 26 October, 50 workers in the Job Initiative Scheme protested outside Government Buildings about the termination of their employment which was due at the end of this year. The Job
Initiative was set up by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment as a scheme for people who were five years or more unemployed; it provides three years employment with an option to continue as a permanent job if private sponsorship can be secured.
Those in the South Inner City work on various community projects, including care for older people. Most of the workers were due to be laid off as the community projects which employ them could not obtain the private sponsorship needed to continue. These workers resolved to protest and went to Government Buildings on Tuesday. They then marched to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, occupied the lobby and demanded a meeting. Minister Mary Harney's secretary agreed to meet them and the Department is to examine the option of extending the scheme for a further year.
The community workers have vowed to continue their campaign until their projects are secure.
On Tuesday, 26 October, 50 workers in the Job Initiative Scheme protested outside Government Buildings about the termination of their employment which was due at the end of this year. The Job
Initiative was set up by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment as a scheme for people who were five years or more unemployed; it provides three years employment with an option to continue as a permanent job if private sponsorship can be secured.
Those in the South Inner City work on various community projects, including care for older people. Most of the workers were due to be laid off as the community projects which employ them could not obtain the private sponsorship needed to continue. These workers resolved to protest and went to Government Buildings on Tuesday. They then marched to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, occupied the lobby and demanded a meeting. Minister Mary Harney's secretary agreed to meet them and the Department is to examine the option of extending the scheme for a further year.
The community workers have vowed to continue their campaign until their projects are secure.