6 May 1999 Edition

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Blair, RUC and British Army criticised by Peacewatch

Peacewatch Ireland, a US based human rights organisation who have worked to ``support the pursuit of peace with justice in Ireland'' since 1994 released it's report on the 1998 marching season lasting week.

Observers from Peacewatch have been sending observers to the Garvaghy Road for the past three years. Their report titled ``The Siege That Never Ended'' concludes that the rights of the Garvaghy Road neighbourhood have been violated.

Peacewatch found that Tony Blair's intervention in the crisis undermined the Parades Commission and conveyed a double message'' about the gravity and enforceability of that decision''. The British Army and the RUC also came in for criticism from Peacewatch. They concluded that the British Army demonstrated radically different policing strategies for the loyalist and nationalist communities.

The nationalist community was constrained while no limits were set on ``illegal Orange marches, the Drumcree encampment, or loyalist blockades''.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1