8 April 1999 Edition

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Finglas people take on young thugs

The residents of Finglas South on Dublin's northside recently organised a meeting to address the serious problems of drug dealing, joyriding and anti-social behaviour in their area.

The meeting in Rivermount Boys Club proved a great success, with over 300 people in attendance. Local politicians, police and corporation officals were all invited but sadly only a couple of politicians turned up. Fianna Fáil TD Pat Carey and Finglas Sinn Féin local election candidate Dessie Ellis did attend, and the gardai were well represented.

A number of days beforehand, the organisers of the meeting had taken a census to gauge feelings in the areas concerned. Unfortunately, this led to a number of cars being burnt out in their driveways in retaliation.

Artane Sinn Féin representative Larry O'Toole chaired the meeting and kept a tight rein on the night's proceedings. The police came in for particular criticism from Dessie Ellis concerning the previous St. Patrick's Day weekend, in which a total of 38 cars were burnt out in the Finglas area and over 200 calls were logged with little or no response. Of particular concern to Ellis and the residents was the planned events by these thugs for the Easter weekend, with graffitti arounf Finglas stating that there would be a `Mondello 2' at the weekend.

Responding to the weight of criticism, the gardai mounted one of the biggest campaigns seen in Finglas, with unprecedented patrols and road checks. Apart from a few incidents, a general state of anarchy was averted. Local committees are now being established to monitor all future activities so that, availing of all available resources, pressure can be brought to bear to improve the life of the residents.

Sinn Féin will fulfill its role in trying to help the residents clean up their area, Ellis has assured.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1