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4 August 2024

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No Pasarán!

We will not be denied a better future by sectarian and racist extremists

Our collective priority must be on promoting an inclusive, welcoming, multicultural society, with anti-sectarianism and anti-racism at its core. That is the message which must be heard and fearlessly delivered, not only in Antrim Town and Belfast, but throughout Ireland, north and south.

Declan Kearney

While the calls to bring people onto the streets for anti-immigrant demonstrations in recent days at various locations across the north, including Antrim Town, failed as effective mobilisations, the seriousness of their underlying racist motivation should not be underestimated. 

The attempt to stage an anti-immigrant march in Antrim Town may have received limited support, but it represents the latest in a series of attempts by racist and sectarian extremists to stir up tensions.

For over two months now, a systematic campaign of racist and sectarian intimidation has been conducted in the town itself and surrounding area. 

This began with the placing of racist posters in the greater Ballycraigy neighbourhood. That was quickly followed by the erection of flags and painting of graffiti in a still unoccupied social housing development.

As a result, some of those due to be housed there were too frightened to take up occupancy.

Elsewhere, international health workers were intimidated from their homes and have since left employment in the Northern Trust.

The attacks on homes and property belonging to these workers is outrageous.

The subsequent erection of flags, painting of kerbstones and vandalising of homes is part of an orchestrated campaign to impose sectarian and racial segregation.

A gang of self-styled paramilitary criminals are trying to control and coerce the Ballycraigy neighbourhood. For decades, they have been involved in drug crime and other forms of criminality, including serious sectarian violence. They are sectarian, racist, criminal extremists. 

This gang is now trying to destroy the good community and multicultural relations enjoyed in Antrim Town.

At the end of June, flags were festooned in shared communal areas such as the vicinity of St Comgall’s Church, the Chapel Corner, and Tesco shopping complex. Almost six weeks later these flags remain in place.

Subsequently, neo-Nazi and fascist graffiti appeared in other shared space areas across Antrim.

A minority of bigots deliberately sought to whip up sectarian and racial tensions in the lead up to the 12th July. This culminated in the construction of illegal bonfires, with toxic and flammable materials again on land owned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Choice Housing Association.

At these locations and other bonfire sites in Ballycraigy, and also in Randalstown (the latter being supported by the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council (ANBC) Bonfire Management Programme) Irish and Palestinian national flags, cultural emblems and in the case of Mallusk Gardens, Sinn Féin election posters, were burned.

The burning of materials in Neillsbrook and Ballycraigy was a clear breach of the ANBC protocols, and for the second consecutive year.

All this behaviour happens in violation of the rule of law and total disrespect for good relations.

Despite repeated representations by Sinn Féin and the best endeavours of the PSNI, other public bodies failed again to prevent illegal bonfires and resultant acts of racist and sectarian hatred from occurring.

Persistent inaction by public bodies empowers the small number of criminals to act with impunity.

What happened on the ‘11th night’ cannot be dissociated from the preceding weeks of intimidation.

A line now needs to be drawn. Those who caused this racist and sectarian hatred are beyond the pale. 

We as a community must support the police to put the criminals responsible before the courts.

However, the failure of public bodies to discharge their powers and work together to take effective enforcement action is unacceptable.

The Flags, Identity, Culture and Traditions (FICT) report sought to address many of these issues. It is not a panacea but it does provide a road map to address causes of division. An action plan for it now needs to be published.

The power sharing Executive's Racial Equality Strategy needs additional resourcing and political support to more effectively tackle racial prejudice and inequalities in the north. 

Robust resolutions to the scourge of sectarian and racist hate crime will only be achieved with categoric legal authority and proper enforcement.

The people of Antrim, and Sinn Féin are focused on building a better, brighter future for all our people. We will reject the efforts of sectarian and racist extremists to stop us from moving forward. This is Antrim 2024, not Alabama 1964.

Political, community, and trade union activists must continue to provide the leadership which is needed. On Saturday Sinn Féin activists and local people in South Belfast demonstrated exemplary community based action against these bigots.

Our collective priority must be on promoting an inclusive, welcoming, multicultural society, with anti-sectarianism and anti-racism at its core. 

That is the message which must be heard and fearlessly delivered, not only in Antrim Town and Belfast, but throughout Ireland, north and south.

No Pasarán! 

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Contributions from key figures in the churches, academia and wider civic society as well as senior republican figures

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