Top Issue 1-2024

23 October 2023

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Unprecedented global support for Irish Unity

Chris Hazzard MP

“As we stand on the edge of historic political, social and economic transformation in Ireland it is clear that a reunified Ireland would also be a beacon for progressive movements throughout the world"

Sinn Féin's Chris Hazzard has said the reunification of Ireland will be a beacon for progressive movements throughout the world.

The South Down MP addressed Dilemmas of Humanity Conference in Johannesburg where 500 members and leaders of social movements, political parties, and trade unions from more than 75 counties had gathered to chart out a path toward building a better world.

The Dilemmas conference is part of a broad political, cultural and social process that has included multiple regional conferences and 260 participating organisations from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Chris Hazzard commented: “It was fantastic to be invited to address the conference, and provide an update on the political situation in Ireland and Europe more broadly. There was huge interest and support for the continued electoral success of Sinn Féin and the movement for Irish reunification.

“Ireland was the first country in the world to be colonised - nearly 900 years ago. In every generation since we have struggled for independence, and we have done so with great support from the International community," he said. 

Chris Hazzard said his party's policies and values are shaped by huge connections with other political struggles throughout the world. 

“This process of solidarity has shaped the internationalism of Sinn Féin today; we are deeply aware of our interconnectedness with the humanity of the world.

“We have always been, and will always remain proactive in reaching out to progressive movements across the world; movements that share our politics, our values, and our ambition to build a better world.

“Irish reunification and the fulfilment of the sovereignty of the Irish people is undoubtedly now possible, and within reach.

“As we stand on the edge of historic political, social and economic transformation in Ireland it is clear that a reunified Ireland would also be a beacon for progressive movements throughout the world," he concluded. 

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