Top Issue 1-2024

9 September 2015

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Gerry Adams 'seriously concerned' by PSNI arrest of Sinn Féin Chairperson for North

THE ARREST of Sinn Féin's Northern chairperson, Bobby Storey, as part of the PSNI investigation into the recent murder of Kevin McGuigan in Belfast is a matter of grave concern, Gerry Adams has said.

Speaking to reporters at Leinster House, Gerry Adams said:

"Bobby Storey is a valued member of our national leadership and a person of great integrity who has worked for both our party and the people of Ireland over a very long time. He has been charged with nothing.

"I have grave concerns about how this crisis has developed since the brutal killings of Gerard Davison and Kevin McGuigan."

Gerry Adams said remarks by the PSNI Chief Constable have been seized upon as part of an internal unionist rivalry. He described the developments as "serious, unnecessary and part of the ongoing competition between the two main unionist parties."

Asked by TV3's Ursula Halligan whether an "IRA structure still exists"? Adams replied flatly: "No."

Gerry Adams said neither Sinn Féin nor the IRA killed either of the men and Sinn Féin is not accountable for the actions of criminals.

David Davin-Power of RTÉ asked whether Bobby Storey's arrest amounted to political policing, to which Gerry Adams gave a measured response, saying he is "gravely concerned" about the arrest of Bobby, whom he described as a "close friend I first met in the cages of Long Kesh".Media scrum for Gerry

Gerry Adams said the PSNI have to be allowed to carry out their investigation but added that he would be shocked if Bobby Storey wasn't released.

Davin-Power went on to ask whether a BBC programme aired on Tuesday night, and which prominently featured Bobby Storey, had any bearing on the decision by the PSNI to arrest Bobby Storey. Gerry Adams replied that RTÉ "would have to ask the PSNI".

Niamh Lyons of the London Times suggested that Gerry Adams seemed "a bit shook today" and went on to ask if he was "worried if the institutions collapse they'll collapse in the name of Sinn Féin?"

"Well I'm not a bit shook today," Adams responded calmly, noting that he had had a hectic day with talks in the North.

"I obviously am concerned if the institutions come down. For all their dysfunctionality, they are now where all these arguments and tensions play out, and that is a good thing. The absence of that would be a very serious development."

Accusing the unionist parties of playing with the Peace Process and attempting to disenfranchise republican voters, Gerry Adams said:

"If they want to go for an election then Sinn Féin is very happy to go before the people with our record and our vision for the future."

From the clutch of Independent journalists who usually only show up when Sinn Féin is under attack, Philip Ryan asked "as a senior republican, can you exert any influence over former members of the Provisional IRA, whether they are in existence or not, who may be involved in the murder of Mr McGuigan, and ask them to come forward for the sake of the Peace Process and the sake of your party?"

Gerry Adams said he can exert no more control over the actions of former members of the IRA than Enda Kenny can over former members of Fine Gael.

As the Indo journalist attempted to interrupt his answer, Adams continued:

"Sorry, I haven't finished. Let's be clear about this – whoever was involved in these killings, they need to face due process. And anybody who has any information about that needs to give it to the PSNI.

"It's very, very clear that we support the PSNI in bringing these murderers to justice. We repudiate anybody using the name of republicans to cover an act of grave criminality. We have repudiated it, we have condemned it, and we have made it clear that this was not done in our name," he said.

Gerry Adams also commended the leadership shown by deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, saying he has been front and centre on all of these issues.

"I stand by everything he says."

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