4 June 2015
Unity against austerity call by Sinn Féin MEP at Athens summit with SYRIZA
The way forward for the Left in Europe
SINN FÉIN MEP Martina Anderson has said anti-austerity groups across Europe must work together to forge a more equal society.
The Irish MEP made the comments during a visit to Athens to attend a conference on SYRIZA, Sinn Féin and the way forward for the Left in Europe.
During the visit to Athens, the Sinn Féin also met with the SYRIZA minister of state for combatting corruption, Panagiotis Nikoloudis, to discuss ways of tackling the trade in illicit tobacco.
● Martina Anderson MEP with SYRIZA Minister of State for Combatting Corruption, Panagiotis Nikoloudis, in Athens
Speaking to a group of young members of SYRIZA at the Athens conference, Martina Anderson said:
“The current economic crisis across Europe undermines democracy by insisting that the only solution is austerity.
“Earlier this year, the people of Greece withdrew consent to be governed by the Troika and the discredited political forces of the old regime. They gave their consent to be governed by SYRIZA on a clear mandate of ending austerity. But the Troika are showing themselves unwilling to accept that choice.
"In Ireland, Sinn Féin's principled and practical opposition to austerity across the island demonstrates that there is a better way – a progressive, left, republican, social agenda which can and will deliver for all citizens.”
She also said the European Left must work together to challenge the austerity agenda.
“Across Europe, those on the Left must embrace the collective responsibility to confront the austerity agenda.
“We have the alternative agenda. We now need the confidence to constantly define push forward how we will practically implement the necessary changes.
“Our commitment to solidarity does not just mean protesting shoulder-to-shoulder with comrades in Greece, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain and elsewhere. It also means we must share the lessons of our struggles.
“Long term, knowledge-driven strategies for change need to be developed and delivered simultaneously across Europe to combat the austerity agenda.”
● SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras prior to his election as Prime Minister of Greece with Gerry Adams and Sinn Féin TDs at the Dáil