2 July 2014
Bobby Sands Gaeltacht Scholarships awarded

• Martin McGuinness congratulates everyone involved in this “success story”
WHEN Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness visited St Colm’s High School in Twinbrook to present the Bobby Sands Gaeltacht Scholarships to Adam Caldwell and Grace Hawkins he was recognising the hard work and dedication of the school in promoting Irish but especially the commitment of múinteoir Gaeilge Frances Martin-Higgins.
Adam and Grace were selected for a bursary to the Gaeltacht this summer.
The bursary is a joint initiative taken by Colin Sinn Féin and the Bobby Sands Gaeltacht Scholarship, a recently-formed group of local business people dedicated to helping children interested in learning and speaking Irish.
The joint First Minister also presented certificates to a number of other students who excelled in Irish.
In welcoming Martin McGuinness (who was accompanied by Junior Minister Jennifer McCann, West Belfast MP Paul Maskey and Councillor Bill Groves) St Colm’s Principal Cathy McMurray spoke of her personal pride and that of the school in the pupils studying the Irish language.
She said Irish culture is a central and important part of the school’s curriculum.
Martin McGuinness commended the pupils for their interest in the Irish language and spoke to them about the importance of education and the influence these years at St Colm’s will have on them the rest of their lives. He also praised the principal and staff for their dedication to the pupils at St Colm’s and the excellent results they are achieving in an area which has faced many challenges, including social disadvantage.
• St Colm’s, Twinbrook, West Belfast. Martin McGuinness (with Junior Minister Jennifer McCann, West Belfast MP Paul Maskey and Councillor Bill Groves) when the joint First Minister presented pupils with certificates recognising their achievements in the Irish language. Also in picture are Principal Cathy McMurray and múinteoir Gaeilge Frances Martin-Higgins
• St Colm’s pupils welcome their guests
• Martin McGuinness signs the Bobby Sands Scholarship certificate
• Martin McGuinness with múinteoir Gaeilge Frances Martin-Higgins and bursary winners Adam Caldwell and Grace Hawkins
• Jennifer McCann, Cathy McMurray and Martin McGuinness
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