11 May 2012
35 TDs and senators sign petition on mass Palestinian prison hunger strike

'The current situation of Palestinians in Israeli jails is unacceptable'
THIRTY-FIVE members of the Irish Parliament in Dublin – from all political parties and groups in the Dáil and Seanad – have signed their names to a petition calling for an immediate response to the ongoing mass hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
The 35 include all of Sinn Féin’s TDs and senators.
A cross-party group of TDs will attempt to raise the matter in the Dáil under ‘Topical Issues’.
The 35 Oireachtas members have called for an immediate response to the Palestinian non-violent protests:
The current situation of Palestinians in Israeli jails is unacceptable. We call on both the Israeli Government and international actors to recognise the following demands of prisoners:
- That international law and its provisions with regard to administrative detention are respected.
- That Israel ends its policy of administrative detention.
- That Israel ends its policy of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement.
- That prisoners are allowed to see their families.
The Oireachtas members who signed the petition are:
Sinn Féin
Gerry Adams TD
Michael Colreavy TD
Seán Crowe TD
Pearse Doherty TD
Dessie Ellis TD
Martin Ferris TD
Mary Lou McDonald TD
Sandra McLellan TD
Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD
Jonathan O’Brien TD
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD
Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD
Brian Stanley TD
Peadar Tóibín TD
Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh
Senator David Cullinane
Senator Kathryn Reilly
Minister of State, Joe Costello TD
Minister of State, Jan O Sullivan TD
Richard Boyd Barrett TD
Joan Collins TD
Finian McGrath TD
Olivia Mitchell TD
Gerald Nash TD
Patrick Nulty TD
Maureen O’Sullivan TD
Thomas Pringle TD
Robert Troy TD
Senator Ivana Bacik
Senator Terry Leyden
Senator Michael Mullins
Senator David Norris
Senator Susan O’Keeffe
Senator Jim Walsh
Senator Katherine Zappone
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Contributions from key figures in the churches, academia and wider civic society as well as senior republican figures