26 March 2009 Edition
Mála Poist
Cuireann An Phoblacht fáilte roimh litreacha ónár léitheoirí. Scríobh i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla, 200 focal ar a méid. Déantar giorrú ar litreachta más gá. Cuir do litir chuig [email protected]
An Phoblacht welcomes readers’ letters. Write in Irish or English, 200 words maximum. Letters may be edited for brevity. Send your letters to [email protected]. No attachments please
Unity is strength
SATURDAY 21 February 2009 – it’s a date that will live in our hearts and minds, a date when the weak became strong.
Whilst marching with the 100,000-strong crowd I stopped, stood and took in all that was really happening around me. To say I was in awe does not do it justice. Men, women and children, some unknown to political spectrums, taking to the streets of our capital demanding social and political change tells or more-so roars at me that I am part of something powerful.
The strength of Leinster House has weakened to such an extent that lies, deception and deceit have become a cancer to the foundations on what it was built upon – democracy, leadership and truth.
The people’s cry now shakes this weak coalition government of our state. Action on our economy and solid truth will start us on the right road again followed by clear decisive strategy.
Saturday 21 February 2009 strengthens the fact – the working-class voice is far louder and more clear than that of the capitalist.
County Offaly
Banning bloodsports
READING Áine Downe’s article on hare coursing last week I was struck by the amount of sports that could be described in such a heart-wrenching manner.
Indeed, I very recently observed one such sport where a small nervous creature was taken out of their natural habitat and put in front of a crowd of baying people to be harried and put in mortal danger for the spectators’ entertainment. Surely I and the thousands of others watching should have found this totally unacceptable?
The poor creature was Ricardo Cordoba and the above is a pretty accurate portrayal of what happened in Dublin last Saturday night, one of the greatest moments in Irish sporting history. Indeed, the end of the contest on television showed a clearly distressed Cordoba lying seemingly unconscious on the canvas. Thankfully, he appears to have recovered.
To those who support Áine’s position, I’d like to ask, is there then a case for banning boxing the same as for banning hare coursing?
Surely if any sport involves a danger to either human or animal it ought to be made illegal? And if that is the case, why stop at hare coursing or boxing? Surely hurling is a dangerous pastime? And Gaelic football (especially when it involves an Ulster team) and even in a gentle pursuit such as croquet a person might accidentally bring the mallet into contact with their big toe. Not to mention the peril presented to earthworms who might put their little head in the way of the ball? Ban them all, I say.
Caughey clann’s Le Chéile thanks
ON behalf of all the Caughey clann, may I belatedly via An Phoblacht convey our sincere thanks to all in attendance at the Le Chéile event this year for their warm-hearted and comradely welcome to my daughter Sally and I.
During this gradual journey of involvement and commitment to the republican struggle, at no time did I ever harbour a thought that my wife and I would ever rank as honourees. But, unbelievably, it has happened, not merely by the efforts of our clan but by the commitment and dedication of those people near and far actively involved over many years.
I consider myself the bearer of this Le Chéile award on behalf of all these activists and ever-staunch supporters over the years of struggle. This award is theirs as much as ours and, conscious of that fact, that is the basis on which I humbly accepted the honour for all of them. Many of these people could have been honoured on the night but, in time that could well come about.
To the many Le Chéile event brochure messages of support, very sincere thanks to those friends and comrades.
A special thanks to all invo1ved in the Le Chéile organisation. Full credit to all for a memorable night. The night was one to recall and remember those men and women who took us to the present stage of our struggle and the present generation who continue relentlessly to strive for the achievement of republican goals.
My final thanks are to my deceased mother and my brother Seán, whose inspiration encouraged the journey of involvement and commitment to the republican struggle.
Kitchen nightmare
THE decision by Mr Danny Kitchen, the board member of Irish Nationwide who has now refused to take the post as CEO after his salary was capped at €360,000 is, for me, most welcome.
Anyone who refuses this kind of salary because they think it is not enough is not the kind of person the Irish people want working for the state. It epitomises the greed and selfish interest that is no longer acceptable.
I have no doubt that there are many fine employees within Irish Nationwide who will fill this role of chief executive.
Dublin 22