11 October 2007 Edition

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Support for Burma protestors

SINN FÉIN supported a demonstration in Dublin city centre on Saturday, 6 October, in support of protesters in Burma who are facing brutal military repression.
Sinn Féin National Chairperson and Dublin MEP Mary Lou McDonald called on Dubliners to back the Burma campaign. She pledged Sinn Féin’s support for Burma Action Ireland, who organised the vigil.
“Sinn Féin strongly condemns the oppressive regime of the ruling military junta in Burma,” Mary Lou said. “During its 40-year rule, the military regime has driven the Burmese economy into the ground and held its own people hostage.
“The recent unrelenting violence by the state against its own people has left an unknown number dead and injured.  This is unacceptable and it must be tackled by the international community.”

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1