Top Issue 1-2024

20 February 1997 Edition

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Dúirt siad...

Hume considers pact with the devil.

The January edition of the Protestant Telegraph's interesting interpretation of the pre-conditions outlined by the SDLP for an electoral pact with Sinn Féin.

This is a time when rumours of his demise appear not to be exaggerated...

Irish Times correspondent, Conor O'Clery, commenting on the reported death of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on RTE's Six One News, 19 February 1997.

There was no way forward since the loyalists set aside the rule of law at Drumcree. it proved for everyone that the Protestants, when they take to the streets, have more power than the law.

Former Northern Ireland Office official talking to Robert Fisk, Irish Independent, Thursday 13 February.

Guns have been drawn by the Official IRA...

Ed Moloney on the on-going splits in the Workers' Party and `non-existent' OIRA, Sunday Tribune, 16 February.

God forbid, but the Kevin Myers, Eamon Dunphys and Conor Cruise O'Briens of this world might have been the Gerry Adams of their community. It is easy for them, sitting in the comfort of 150 miles away and engaging in what I call intellectual masturbation, when they don't know the reality of people's lives.

Don Mullan author Eyewitness Bloody Sunday The Truth in an interview with Sunday Business Post, 16 February.

The British government will today announce the first steps towards lifting the beef ban in the North in a blatant bid to enlist Ulster Unionist support in a key vote tonight.

Irish Indepndent, Monday 17 February.

He may be called Charles, but he should remember what happened to the previous Charles, he lost his head.

Ian Paisley on the English monarchy, specifically Prince Charles proposal to cease being `Defender of the Protestant Faith', BBC's Newlines, Tuesday 18 February.

The use of dishonest tactics and bad tempered bully-boy behaviour, denying the right of conscience over a sustained period without redress of [scriptural] principles.

DUP founder member William Beattie explaining in his resignation letter why he could no longer stay in the party after 25 years, the Newsletter.

How can this hospital remain in a location that is so obviously a murder bolt hole for IRA terrorists... The government ought to insist upon re-locating the Royal to a safer part of the city away from the Falls. ¹

DUP's Nigel Dodds adding his voice to those who want to see hospital care in the Six Counties ghettoised by advocating the removal of the RVH from West Belfast.

I think they've got to start sitting down and talking before more sons and fathers are killed.

John Restorick, father of British soldier shot dead in Bessbrook last week

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