20 February 1997 Edition
Back issue: A Sticky situation
Last Tuesday's early editions of The Irish Times carried a startling story about the Sticky Workers' Party in Monaghan.
According to The Irish Times, ``SFWP issued a statement calling on voters in Cavan/Monaghan to give their number one votes to the Provisional Sinn Féin candidate, Mr Seamus McElwain.''
The Irish Times reported the `SFWP' statement as saying that ``the failure by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael since the foundation of the Irish state has resulted in the more determined of Northern nationalists having to resort to arms when their second guarantors, the 26-County state, failed them when their effort to make their case by peaceful means was met by British violence.''
Such stirring words must have caused consternation at the Sticks' headquarters in Dublin and at the Carrickmacross election office of Sticky candidate in Cavan/Monaghan, Francis Donoghue. There was obviously consternation in The Irish Times too, for the article was missing from the later `city edition' of the paper.
In fact, the statement had been issued by the Blaneyite Independent Fianna Fáil group in Monaghan, who are fully backing the McElwain campaign. Somebody in The Irish Times had goofed.
According to The Irish Times, ``SFWP issued a statement calling on voters in Cavan/Monaghan to give their number one votes to the Provisional Sinn Féin candidate, Mr Seamus McElwain.''
The Irish Times reported the `SFWP' statement as saying that ``the failure by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael since the foundation of the Irish state has resulted in the more determined of Northern nationalists having to resort to arms when their second guarantors, the 26-County state, failed them when their effort to make their case by peaceful means was met by British violence.''
Such stirring words must have caused consternation at the Sticks' headquarters in Dublin and at the Carrickmacross election office of Sticky candidate in Cavan/Monaghan, Francis Donoghue. There was obviously consternation in The Irish Times too, for the article was missing from the later `city edition' of the paper.
In fact, the statement had been issued by the Blaneyite Independent Fianna Fáil group in Monaghan, who are fully backing the McElwain campaign. Somebody in The Irish Times had goofed.