Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

14 September 2006 Edition

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Ógra Shinn Féin College recruitment drive

Seeking to build a strong students' movement

Over the next few weeks, Ógra Shinn Féin is setting out to recruit new members in colleges, universities and ITs throughout the 32 Counties.

The number of college cumainn is increasing, bringing new members' vibrancy, energy and ideas into the republican struggle.

In their roles in providing an important activist base on the ground in colleges and in bringing a youthful perspective on politics to the party, the importance of student republican activists cannot be overemphasised. Ógra believes that there is massive potential in Ireland for a strong students' movement and that young republicans have a leading role to play in its development.

Ógra has prioritised the third level institutions as one of the most important sites of struggle in building a strong youth political movement. Ógra is asking all young republicans going to college this year to get involved in their college cumann. Where one does not yet exist, they are encouraging people to seek to establish one. The organisation has also appealed to anyone else who feels that they may be able to assist in this important political project to help as best they can.

To get involved, please make contact with your local Ógra representative or the national colleges co-ordinator, Eugene Garvey, on 00-353-86-0705262 or by email at [email protected].


An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1