23 February 2006 Edition
I nDíl Chuimhne
Feb. 21st 1972: Vol Gerard Bell, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 21st 1972: Vol Gerard Steele, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 21st 1972: Vol Joseph Magee, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 21st 1972: Vol Robert Dorrian, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 21st 1984: Vol Declan Martin, North Antrim Brigade; Feb. 21st 1984: Vol Henry Hogan, North Antrim Brigade; Feb. 22nd 1986: Vol Tony Gough, Derry Brigade; Feb. 23rd 1981: Vol James Burns, Belfast Brigade, 2nd Battalion; Feb. 23rd 1985: Vol Charlie Breslin, Tyrone Brigade; Feb. 23rd 1985: Vol David Devine, Tyrone Brigade; Feb. 23rd 1985; Vol Michael Devine, Tyrone Brigade. Feb. 26th 1978; Vol Paul Duffy, Tyrone Brigade. "Did ye think to conquer the people, Or that Law is stronger than life and than men's desire to be free? We will try it out with you, ye that have harried and held, Ye that have bullied and bribed, tyrants, hypocrites, liars!" - Pádraig Pearse, from the poem The Rebel. Always remembered now and forever by their many friends and comrades in the Republican Movement.
BEST, Paul (30th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my friend and comrade, Paul Best, Andersonstown organiser, Sinn Féin, who died on 18 February 1976, (from gunshot wound inflicted by members of the Workers' Party in November 1975). Sad silent and dark are the tears that we shed, like the night dew that falls on the grass o're his head. Remembered always with great pride and affection by Pól, Patricia, Máire and Bronagh Wilson, Belfast. Mass offered. Sleep in peace brave comrade.
BURNS, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Brendan Burns, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service alongside his friend and comrade Brendan Moley, on 29 February 1988. Never forgotten by Mary, Micky and the Moley Family, South Armagh.
BURNS, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Brendan Burns, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service alongside his friend and comrade Brendan Moley on 29 February 1988. But there arose to face our foes some gallant men who swore, to raise the flag of Ireland on the Ulster hills once more. Remembered always by Aidan Moley and family.
BURNS, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Brendan Burns, who died for Ireland on 29 February 1988, along with his comrade Volunteer Brendan Moley. Remembered always by Micky, Bernie, Ciarán and Fionnuala.
BURNS, Brendan, MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteers Brendan Burns and Brendan Moley, South Armagh Brigade, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. I measc laochra nGael go raibh a anam. Always remembered by the Barney Morris/Séamus Harvey SF Cumann, Crossmaglen; Fuair sé bás ag Troid ar son na Saoirse. Always remembered by the Republican Movement, South Armagh.
HUGHES, Mary (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Sinn Féin Activist Mary Hughes, who died on 27 Febuary 1999. Always remembered by Mary and Clan.
McNEILL, Bob (7th Ann). Mary Queen of the Gael pray for him. The passing years change many things, but never the sadness that this day brings. Loved and missed by Brendan, Helen and family.
McSHANE, Charlie (17th Ann). In sad and loving memory of Charlie McShane, late staff AP/RN, died suddenly on 24 February 1989. Our days are filled with memories of you. Of a loving husband and father always so true over the years nothing has changed. As every day we speak your dear name. Mary Queen of the Gael pray for him. Still so sadly missed by his loving wife Christine, son Adrian, daughter Amanda. Also grandchildren Jason, Anji, Fionn, Searlait, Darragh, Seán, Katie, Carla and in-laws.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of our son, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. Deep are the memories silently kept of the son we loved and will never forget. Always remembered in our thoughts and prayers. Sadly missed by his Mother and Father.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan Moley, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service alongside his friend and comrade Brendan Burns, on 29 February 1988. "We are the risen people, this time we must not be driven into the gutter. Even if this should mean dying for justice. The fight must go on. I want my memorial to be peace with justice." - Frank Stagg. Never forgotten by your brother Aidan, sister-in-law Maureen, nieces Ciara and Aoibheann and nephews Conor and Brendan.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. No longer in our lives to share, but in our hearts you are always there. Always remembered by his sister Caroline, brother-in-law Paddy, and nieces Blaithin and Caoimhe.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. May the green sod of the land he loved rest gently on his grave. Always remembered with pride by his sister Jacinta, brother-in-law Martin and family.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. Lay him away on the hillside along with the brave and bold, inscribe his name on the roll of fame in letters of purest gold. Always remembered by brother Patrick, sister-in-law Susan, Nora and Pierce.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. As long as we live, we'll treasure his name. In memory we see him just the same. Always remembered by his sister Catríona, brother-in-law Mickey, nephews Brendan, Shane and Rian and niece Nicole.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. Time will pass and fade away, but memories of you will always stay. Never forgotten by his sister Celine and brother-in-law Gerard.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of our uncle, Volunteer Brendan, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. No longer in our lives to share, but in our hearts you are always there. Sadly missed by your niece Sinéad, Hughie, Callum, Oisin and Finnin, and your nephew Declan and Anne-Marie.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my brother, Volunteer Brendan Moley, who died on active service on 29 February 1988. Remembered with pride by your sister Marie, brother in law John, Joanne, Kevin, Peter & Louise.
MOLEY, Brendan (18th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Brendan Moley on this his 18th anniversary. Time passes, Memories stay. Never forgotten, Especially today. From his brother Séamus, Erin and Siobhán.
O'DONNELL,Kevin Barry; O'FARRELL,Seán; CLANCY,Peter; VINCENT, Patrick (14th Ann). In proud memory of Volunteers Kevin Barry O'Donnell,Seán O'Farrell, Peter Clancy and Patrick Vincent, East Tyrone Brigade, Oglaigh na hÉireann, killed in action by British occupation forces at Clonoe Chapel on 16 February 1992. "We have no right to believe that freedom can be won without struggle" - Che Guevara. Inserted by all the boys in Bellshill, Scotland
BETSON. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late George Betson who died recently. From Dan Murray and Cork SF.
KILTY. Deepest sympathy to Simon Kilty and family on the death of his father Jim. From all your friends and comrades in the Martin Forsythe/Bob Smith SF Cumann, South Dublin; From Dún Laoghaire Sinn Féin.
KINIRY. Deepest sympathy is extended to Eileen and family Caroline,Cathal,John, Sharon,and Róisín, on the recent death of Jack Kiniry, loving husband and father. From the Ahern/Crowley SF Cumann Cork and Steve Curtayne.
McCREATOR. Kathleen. RIP. Died 18 February 2006. Beloved Mother to our esteemed member Valerie Leonard. The Committee and members of the O'Carolan/Kilmartin Comhairle Ceantair Sinn Féin Dungiven, offer our deepest sympathy to the entire McCreator family circle and to Valerie, Billy Leonard & family. Beannacht de uirthí.
CONGRATULATIONS to Dublin MEP Mary Lou McDonald and her husband Martin on the birth of their new baby Gerard Patrick. From Sinn Féin Átha Cliath.