26 January 2006 Edition
Councils to challenge Dublin Government on Irish unity
A Sinn Féin motion to Omagh and Strabane District Councils challenges the Irish Government to pursue all-Ireland policies in accordance with the wishes of nationalists in West Tyrone.
Councillors Jarlath McNulty of Strabane District and Seán Begley of Omagh District Council issued details of a Sinn Féin motion to be debated at meetings of both Tyrone Councils in February.
In a joint statement both councillors welcomed the fact that all of the nationalist parties subscribe to the objective of a United Ireland but said unless this is pro-actively pursued it is only empty rhetoric.
"We will be seeking the backing of councillors in our call on An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to move from the rhetoric stage to the pro-active stage, by legislating for a range of practical measures which would not only give strengthened constitutional and democratic recognition to the identity of Irish citizens in the Six Counties but which would also provide a way forward in terms of planning strategically for a United Ireland," they said.
If the motion is adopted, the councillors say it will send a powerful massage to the Dublin Government that the nationalist people of West Tyrone expect it to "act on the democratically expressed wishes of its Irish citizens in this part of the 32 Counties".
The motion calls on the government to commission a Green Paper on Irish Unity spelling out what pro-active strategy it will undertake. It further calls on the Taoiseach to an initiate consultation with all sectors of Irish society to assist in the formulation of a Green Paper and for the Taoiseach to give immediate effect to the Constitution's recognition of the entitlement of every person born in Ireland to be part of the Irish nation, by legislating for Six-County representation in the Dáil and the right of people in the Six Counties to vote in referenda and Presidential elections.