15 December 2005 Edition
Day of reflection
Saturday 10 December, International Human Rights Day, was used by Sinn Féin Chairs and Mayors across the Six Counties as a day of reflection to remember all those who have died as result of war and conflict.
Events were held in Derry City, Enniskillen, Omagh, Strabane, Ballycastle, Magherafelt and Newry to mark the occasion.
Speaking ahead of the ceremonies, General Secretary Mitchel McLaughlin explained that Sinn Féin's aim was to build on the reflection initiatives launched by several republican first citizens in the last 12 months.
"These events are guided by a commitment to provide civic leadership and equality. It is about facing up to the challenge of building peace and tackling difficult and divisive issues through engagement between people of different faiths and traditions."
McLaughlin continued: "It is a genuine effort to acknowledge the loss of all those who have died as a result of war and conflict and to acknowledge all those who still live with the pain and memory of that loss.