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22 September 2005 Edition

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Dúirt Siad...

As far as we're concerned, the violence was started by the police Dawson Bailie, head of the Belfast Orange Order Sunday Tribune, 18 September

I do have a disregard for the environment. I think the world can take care of itself and we should enjoy it as much as possible TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson before an environmentalist attacked him with a custard pie Sunday Tribune, 18 September

Cricketers are just middle-class sportsmen, like rugby union players who can stamp on people's heads. Cricketers can all go and have a drink, that's middle class, but if the working class do it, we're yobs. [Footballer] Ashley Cole turned up with a pair of trainers on somewhere and was absolutely slaughtered. But you can turn up to meet the Prime Minister absolutely off your trolley with drink!" Glasgow Celtic Manager Gordon Strachan, after the England cricket team's Ashes victory celebrations

In Antrim Catholic families have been attacked and intimidated for no other reason than that they are Catholic Dermot Ahern, Dublin Minister for Foreign Affairs. Irish Times, 17 September

We are talking about preventable deaths, tragedies that will occur because of the Department of Health decision to wilfully abandon the people of County Tyrone Barry McElduff MLA of Sinn Féin. Daily Ireland, 20 September

According to official statistics, the four most deprived wards in the Lisburn Council area are to be found in Poleglass and Twinbrook... It is vitally important that the British Government does not adopt a discriminatory policy, skewing resources away from nationalist areas at the behest of unionists and loyalists who demand this policy be adopted Councillor Paul Butler Daily Ireland, 20 September

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1