10 March 2005 Edition
Call for Irish names for new estates

Mícheál MacDonncha
The Culture, Heritage and Language section of the Ard Fheis Clar opened up with a motion from Monaghan calling on Sinn Féin elected reps to do everything possible to ensure new housing developments are given Irish names.
Daithí Doolan spoke on the need in Ireland to replace the "Albert Terraces" of the country with names that reflect our local culture and indigenous industries. The motion was duly passed.
Some debate ensued on motion 375, which called on all party representatives to take a crash course in the Irish language. While some delegates agreed with the motion, others felt that making the learning of Irish compulsory was what had damaged the language in the national school system and that the motion would be counterproductive. The motion was duly passed.
On an historical note, Frank O'Neill from Cork spoke in favour of motion 378, calling on the British Home Office to return the remains of the Manchester Martyrs to the Republican Plot in Glasnevin Cemetery. Frank stated that the remains have been moved twice since the prison where they were originally buried was knocked down. The motion was unanimously passed.
Some diverse debate was voiced over motion 378, which called on the introduction of legislation banning the defacement of the national flag. Councillor Robert Sargent, Dublin, speaking for the motion, stated that in recent years the national flag had continually been defaced by large companies placing their logos on it and this motion would prevent them from doing this.
Countering this argument, Mícheál Mac Donncha called on the Ard Fheis to reject the motion, as it could be used against republicans, and he cited the American example, where the burning of the American flag was fought for on a civil liberties basis. The motion was rejected.
The Section closed with Dublin Councillor Killian Forde speaking in favour of motion 377, which called on the Ard Fheis to support the GAA in whatever decision it came to on rule 42. Killane said that this decision was the business of the GAA and should be completely depoliticised. The motion was passed.