28 October 2004 Edition
Heating proposals waste
A proposal by Longford Town Council officials to install electric storage or oil-fired heaters in local authority housing stock, without giving residents the option of upgrading their existing heating systems, has been slated by Sinn Féin Councillor Jimmy McDonnell.
€360,000 has been allocated for the installation of central heating and McDonnell said that using it as the Council management proposes would amount to a misappropriation of funds.
"Many tenants would not be able to afford the electricity or oil bills," McDonnell said. The Sinn Féin representative pointed out that many of the houses contain ranges and back boilers which could be easily converted to provide central heating. He said the money should be spent in this sensible fashion on heating or else be put back into areas where it will be more beneficial, like health. "Using it to install systems that people can't afford and don't want is a waste of money," he says.