10 June 2004 Edition

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Irish Celtic fans harassed in Scotland

Sinn Féin MLA Fra McCann

Sinn Féin MLA Fra McCann

West Belfast Sinn Féin Assembly member Fra McCann has written to the leader of the Scottish parliament Jack McConnell and NIO Minister Paul Murphy about the ongoing harassment of Celtic supporters when they travel to Parkhead.

McCann was contacted by constituents who have been harassed at airports and ferry ports whilst travelling to matches. The West Belfast MLA said constituents have been questioned, photographed and sometimes arrested for no apparent reason other than blatant discrimination.

As thousands of Irish people travelled to the Scottish Cup Final, two busloads of fans were made to leave their buses and walk through the terminal were they were photographed. A few weeks before this, a bus carrying Celtic supporters was stopped on its way to catch the boat home. Two people were arrested but were released shortly afterwards.

McCann said he himself has been at the receiving end of such harassment.

"Around three weeks ago I was travelling with my partner and my 16-year-old daughter to a match when we were stopped. To make matters worse I saw other members of the public walk through the gates unhindered, yet again the colour of my football shirt was obviously an issue. I was only allowed to proceed on my way after I told them I was an elected representative and intended to report the incident."

In his letter to Jack McConnell, McCann strongly objects to the manner in which his constituents are treated and says he would be grateful if McConnell, in his position as Scottish First Minister, would assist him in trying to make these incidents a thing of the past.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1