10 June 2004 Edition

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Gay Rights Association welcomes DUP dismissal

Suspended Democratic Unionist Party member Arthur Templeton, who was convicted of harassing a fellow member of the Newtownabbey District Policing Partnership (DPP) because he was gay, has been sacked as a member of the DPP.

Templeton was convicted in April this year of harassing John Blair during a local government election campaign and was fined £250.

Members of the Newtownabbey DPP board discussed the case at a monthly board meeting on Wednesday 3 June and decided to dismiss him as he was "unfit to discharge the functions as a member of the DPP".

Chair of the Policing Board, Desmond Rea, said Templeton had been given an opportunity to make representation but declined.

The DUP refused to comment on the decision.

A spokesman for the Gay Rights Association welcomed the dismissal, noting that "if Templeton had simply said he was sorry he could have continued on with his position".

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