10 June 2004 Edition

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Charter for Senior Citizens

Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe is pictured at the launch of Sinn Féin's Charter for Senior Citizens on Tuesday in Dublin. He pledged that the party will support and actively pursue the political and legislative changes necessary to establish a decent standard of living, full access to services and the right of senior citizens to fully participate in the life of their community.

The charter was produced following consultation with many groups and individuals. It sets out Sinn Féin's priorities across a whole range of issues including social inclusion, living in safety, transport, ending poverty and service provision.

"Almost half of those over 65 in this state are living in poverty and a quarter are living alone. The result is senior citizens are amongst the most excluded and vulnerable members of our society, and more needs to be done to protect their rights," said Sinn Féin Councillor Dessie Ellis.

Sinn Féin's main recommendations:

a) Linking old age pensioners‚ social insurance contributions to inflation to ensure a sufficient standard of living

b) The abolition of the means test for full-time carers

c) Extension of free public transport for pensioners throughout the island

d) A better mix in new build public housing developments

e) Easier access to the Government subsidised Rural Transport Initiative

f) Year on year targets to eliminate unnecessary deaths from cold

g) Design of streets and roads should ensure a safe environment for senior citizens

h) An adequate level of nursing care in residential accommodation

i) Extension of resources available for home security

j) More resources for community based initiatives that promote social inclusion.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1