Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

4 July 2010

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Sinn Féin will resist selling off of state enterprises

SINN FÉIN says it will resist the selling off by the Fianna Fáil/Green Party Government of state enterprises.

Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Arthur Morgan said:

“Sinn Féin will resist every and any attempt to sell off the family silver: state enterprises that are buoyant and actually returning money to the Exchequer.”

It was not state companies that helped cause this crisis, he said, but private banks, and history has shown what privatising services leads to in terms of poorer services and job losses.

“Privatising companies is an ideological agenda pursued by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael for decades. Behind it is short-sighted greed and often those who benefit have close ties to the government in power.

“This government’s approach to solving the economic crisis is flawed. Reducing the deficit over such a short period of time to meet some bizarre rule set by Europe is compounding the crisis, not fixing it. In addition, they are bankrupt of ideas on how to implement their own policies. Selling off a profitable state holding is madness.”

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