27 May 2004 Edition

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Harassment in Newtownbutler

Sinn Féin in Fermanagh has warned that the heavy handed activity of the British Army and PSNI in the Newtownbutler area in recent days could inflame the rest of the marching season.

Fermanagh Sinn Féin MLA Thomas O'Reilly was speaking after the Royal Black Preceptory paraded through the town on Sunday 15 May. O'Reilly told An Phoblacht that there was an unprecedented level of military and PSNI activity in the weeks and especially the days before the parade, when people were harassed night and day by mobile patrols and helicopters.

"There are parts of Iraq that weren't as heavily patrolled as Newtownbutler in the past few weeks," he said. "I would not like to think that this is a trade-off for restrictions on a parade that should never have been allowed."

With the next loyalist parade through the nationalist village is to take place on the first Sunday in July, O'Reilly called on the crown forces to "stop the daily harassment of members of this community as they go about their legitimate business".

O'Reilly also called on "the representatives of the loyalist marchers to use the time before the next parade to engage in dialogue with their nationalist neighbours".

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1