22 April 2004 Edition

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Loyalists spike roads

Sinn Féin North Antrim Assembly member Philip McGuigan says loyalists are behind a campaign to destroy car tyres and cause accidents by spreading nails on the roads leading into the nationalist village of Dunloy.

"Over the past week loyalists have been deliberately scattering these nails around the village and a number of people have had to visit garages in the area to have nails removed from their tyres," he said. "This is an attempt to raise sectarianism in the area in the run up to the Orange marching season.

"In the past number of months loyalist paramilitaries have targeted Catholic churches and homes throughout the North, sometimes causing a lot of damage. This latest campaign could cause a serious accident or even loss of life and I would call on those responsible to cease."

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1