23 October 2003 Edition
Bogtrotters reach new heights

Tar Isteach Bogtrotters had a great weekend away in Kerry, where they climbed the highest mountain in Ireland, the mighty Carrauntouhill (Corran Tauthail, Inverted Sickle or Serrated Peak), which rises 1,039 metres (3,414 feet).
The group arrived a day before and based themselves in the nearby Laune Valley in order to give themselves time to become "acclimatised".
At daybreak, (or almost) the next day they set out to tackle this mighty peak and not alone did they conquer this one but two other 'Monroes' as well (in mountainspeak around here, any peak over 3,000 ft is called a Monroe).
Unfortunately, the top few hundred feet were in the clouds, which sort of messed up the view a little, but still it felt good being literally the highest people in the land. This feeling didn't last too long as they soon had to start back down using a compass bearing until they got below the cloud cover.
Guided by Eidin and Donal, they descended by a different route. This way brought the group along a very rocky serrated ridge which soon sorted out the "creaky knee brigade" who peeled off and headed for the lakes below using a slightly less strenuous path.
Later that night in Killorglin, as our walkers became even more 'acclimatised' they compared pains and aches and made lots of plans for future adventures.
New club members are always welcome and this is a good time to join up as the walking year really starts about now.
Contact Tar Isteach in Dublin at 01 874 9990.