Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

2 July 2010

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Journalist’s continuing smear campaign

BY Art Mac Eoin

AN article by Jim Cusack in the Sunday Independent of June 13th, the substance of which was repeated in the Belfast Telegraph and the Sunday World, has attempted to link republicans to an alleged forgery operation discovered by gardaí in Borris in Ossory, County Laois.
Cusack, notorious for his sensationalist anti-Sinn Féin articles over many years, produced not a shred of evidence to back up his claims of republican involvement.
In typical fashion he referred to the usual unnamed ‘security sources’ despite the fact that the article flies in the face of what was being said publicly by gardaí and responsible media outlets.
None of those arrested in connection with the find has any connection with Sinn Féin.
Laois/Offaly Sinn Féin representative Brian Stanley said:
“Anyone with any information regarding this or any criminal activity should bring that information to the gardaí.”
The Sunday Independent article is merely the latest in a long list of unsubstantiated, politically-motivated smears against Sinn Féin by Jim Cusack.
A Sinn Féin spokesperson said:
“While such articles are a disgrace to journalism and those behind them should be held to account, they will not deflect Sinn Féin from its ongoing political work on behalf of the people of this country.”

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