19 July 2007 Edition
Ballymurphy to remember Tommy 'Todler' Tolan
19 July 2007
The 30th anniversary of the killing of IRA Volunteer Tommy 'Todler' Tolan is to be marked by republicans in Ballymurphy where his name and reputation is revered. Free article
Orangefest in briefs
19 July 2007
Banner of UFF killer slammed, McGuinness to raise death threat and SF deplores destruction of Baptist church Free article
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West Tyrone ÓSF to hold 'Slán Abhaile' weekend
19 July 2007
West Tyrone Ógra Shinn Féin has announced plans to host the 6th Annual Demilitarisation Weekend in Omagh in August. The weekend will take place on the 3-5 August and is to coincide with the British Army camp in the town being officially closed. Free article
Honours degrees for ex-POWs
19 July 2007
Two republican ex-prisoners, Kevin Campbell and Kevin McGettigan recently graduated from University of Ulster, Magee, with an honours degree in Irish Language and Literature. The two began the degree after funding was secured by Tar Abhaile, the Republican ex-prisoners group based in Derry, to enhance the skills and employability of ex-prisoners and their families. Pius McNaught chairperson of Tar Abhaile commented: "I would like to congratulate the two men on succeeding in attaining their degree. It is another success story for former political prisoners in which Tar Abhaile through CFNI and SEUPB peace funding, has been able to enhance their individual training and their prospects for proper employment opportunities. This is in line with the other training opportunities which Tar Abhaile provided to former prisoners and their families such as the HGV, Bus Licence and Health and Fitness instruction through which many republican ex-prisoners who participated in such training have since sought and found employment." Kevin Campbell, who is also a Sinn Féin councillor, paid tribute to Tar Abhaile for the assistance which they were able to give to himself, Kevin McGettigan and many other former political prisoners, who have been to take up new forms of employment: Free article