1 November 2016 Edition
Mo thuras LADT
1 November 2016
Scríobhann fear óg an Iúir, John McCaul, go fírinneach faoina thuairimí i leith an phobail Leispiach, Aerach, Déghnéasach agus Trasinscneach agus faoina thuras phearsanta féin Free article
Steps in the right direction
1 November 2016
I SPOKE at the opening of a new 1916 community garden in Camlough in October. The sacrifice of 1916 and the enduring vision it set out for all of us is something I have commemorated many times with pride. Premium service article
Reconciliation is an imperative – not an option
1 November 2016
RECONCILIATION and healing in our society are an imperative for the Irish Peace Process. But their achievement continues to be both challenging and elusive. The required political and civic critical mass to bring them about still does not exist. We have to collectively work at building momentum to make them the new phase of the Peace Process. Premium service article
Full and Plenty
1 November 2016
IT STARTED more than a generation ago in places like Danaghers in Cong, The Dubliner in Dublin, O’Dowd’s in Roundstone, in numerous cafés and restaurants in Belfast, Cork and Dublin, and in rural areas where there was a demand for a hearty midday meal. Premium service article
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Irish support for the Spanish Republic
1 November 2016
IN FEBRUARY 1936, the people of the Spanish Republic elected a Popular Front government which included Left republicans, socialists, communists and other progressive forces. The result reflected the great social upheaval of those so long oppressed by the old monarchy, the landed aristocracy, the Catholic Hierarchy, the capitalists in industry, and by Madrid’s suppression of the Basque and Catalan nations. Free article
The spirit that makes Gaelic games special
1 November 2016
PRIDE AND PASSION are two words that are often associated with GAA – and rightly so. On a daily basis, people across the island are taking part in, coaching or doing some form of administrative back-up duty for their club or county. Free article
Dylan dilemma – for republicans
1 November 2016
NEW NOBEL LAUREATE Bob Dylan has filled many hours for me over the years. He has commanded my turntable, CD selections, iPod playlists and now (when I am supposed to be working) even my YouTube browsing. Premium service article