Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

2 June 2013 Edition

Game, set and match to the banks

2 June 2013

WELL, Frankfurt’s way is Labour’s way! Leo Varadkar’s ‘not a cent more’ to Anglo Irish Bank became €34billion and all bond holders have been paid with our Taoiseach proudly announcing after his election that Ireland would pay every red cent of its debt. But nothing shows the extent to which banks are running Ireland and Europe more than the recently-published ‘Insolvency Guidelines and Rules’ which were launched in April. Free article

This is Don Baker

2 June 2013

DON BAKER is a remarkable man. Not just in terms of his musical talent (Bono called him “the greatest harmonica player in the world”) but in his fight to emerge from an early life in Dublin’s inner city dominatd by TB, an alcoholic father, juvenile crime and a brutal incarceration in an industrial school run by the Catholic Church. Don Baker is a survivor. He spoke to JOHN HEDGES as he releases a new number on iTunes – ‘Woe to the Holy Vow’. Free article

North’s economy under attack from Westminster

2 June 2013

A NUMBER OF WEEKS AGO, myself and Peter Robinson met with the British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street. It was one of only a handful of meetings that have taken place since the Tory/Liberal Democrats coalition came into power. Free article

Justice Inspectorate indicts PSNI restructuring

2 June 2013

THE PSNI stands accused of “incoherent and in many cases indefensible decision-making” from the latest report by the Criminal Justice Inspectorate watchdog, Sinn Féin Policing spokesperson Gerry Kelly MLA says. Premium service article

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Travelling with Austerity

2 June 2013

PAVEE POINT recently launched a report, ‘Travelling with Austerity’, which documents the cuts to Travellers, Traveller projects and services since 2008. The report was commissioned because we had concerns about the impact of austerity on Travellers and on Traveller community development projects. Free article

Youth unemployment a threat to our future

2 June 2013

ONE of the most worrying consequences of the economic downturn across the EU but particularly in Ireland is the sharp rise in youth unemployment levels North and South, hitting all-time highs. Free article

Something reeks about REITs

2 June 2013

THE DECISION by the Fine Gael/Labour Government to legislate in Ireland for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs – corporations that own and manage a portfolio of properties and mortgages) has been welcomed and cheered from various quarters. Premium service article

Tough guys in luminous lycra

2 June 2013

WITH NAMES LIKE ‘Froomie’, ‘Cav’ and ‘Wiggo’ you would be forgiven for thinking this is the cast on the latest trashy TV soap. They might sound like bunch of bad lads who spend their weekends on benders. Premium service article

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