28 April 2013 Edition
Thatcher is dead but Thatcherism alive and well
28 April 2013

THE British Government’s Work and Pensions Minister, Iain Duncan Smith, speaking on BBC’s Radio 4 in defence of the Tory/Liberal Democrat welfare cuts claimed he could live on £53 a week. Premium service article
Céard tá taobh thiar den ghéarchéim sa gCoiré?
28 April 2013

TÁ SCÉAL baolach ann i gcónaí as leathinis na Coiré, agus rialtas na Coiré Thuaidh (Poblacht Dhaonlathach Phobal na Coiré nó DPRK) ag tabhairt le fios go bhfuil siad réidh le diúracáin núicléacha a chaitheamh le forsaí na Stáit Aontaithe agus fiú le Meiriocá féin. Premium service article
Bringing Ireland into line with the toxic world
28 April 2013

SOMETIME LATER THIS YEAR, a faceless bureaucrat will sign the documents to end five decades of community resistance. It’s a long war hardly known. Premium service article
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BAI’s TV and radio fairness code fails
28 April 2013

FAIRNESS, objectivity and impartiality in the Irish news media – what are the steps to such a utopia? Premium service article
Ben Gilroy and Direct Democracy Ireland: Look behind them
28 April 2013

BEN GILROY and his new Direct Democracy Ireland party burst onto the scene in the Meath East by-election, attracting anti-Government voters who took DDI’s rhetoric at face value. But what does DDI and its leading figures stand for? Free article