Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

28 April 2013 Edition

Thatcher is dead but Thatcherism alive and well

28 April 2013

THE British Government’s Work and Pensions Minister, Iain Duncan Smith, speaking on BBC’s Radio 4 in defence of the Tory/Liberal Democrat welfare cuts claimed he could live on £53 a week. Premium service article

Céard tá taobh thiar den ghéarchéim sa gCoiré?

28 April 2013

TÁ SCÉAL baolach ann i gcónaí as leathinis na Coiré, agus rialtas na Coiré Thuaidh (Poblacht Dhaonlathach Phobal na Coiré nó DPRK) ag tabhairt le fios go bhfuil siad réidh le diúracáin núicléacha a chaitheamh le forsaí na Stáit Aontaithe agus fiú le Meiriocá féin. Premium service article

Bringing Ireland into line with the toxic world

28 April 2013

SOMETIME LATER THIS YEAR, a faceless bureaucrat will sign the documents to end five decades of community resistance. It’s a long war hardly known. Premium service article

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BAI’s TV and radio fairness code fails

28 April 2013

FAIRNESS, objectivity and impartiality in the Irish news media – what are the steps to such a utopia? Premium service article

Ben Gilroy and Direct Democracy Ireland: Look behind them

28 April 2013

BEN GILROY and his new Direct Democracy Ireland party burst onto the scene in the Meath East by-election, attracting anti-Government voters who took DDI’s rhetoric at face value. But what does DDI and its leading figures stand for? Free article

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