6 September 2007 Edition
Fifth Column
6 September 2007
Subject to approval
Prince Philip’s tears at Buckingham Palace last Friday on the 10th anniversary of the death of the Princess of Wales wouldn’t have been for Diana.
Philip couldn’t stand the woman, even though he continues to deny claims from Di’s friends that he wrote letters calling her a “harlot” and a “trollop” or that he was in any way involved in her death.
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Letter to the Taoiseach
6 September 2007
Did Monday morning have that 'back to school feeling' for you, Taoiseach? It'll feel even more like this when Jay and Rocco come of age. My own three were all ready to go and we took a photograph of them together before a wasp introduced chaos to the proceedings. Meanwhile, Áine at Morning Ireland opined that the return to school normally brings with it more sunshine than usual. Free article