Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

25 January 2007 Edition

Media View

25 January 2007

I must confess that a week ago I had never heard of Jade Goody. While the average punter might have thought that what a British racist said and did was of marginal significance, it dominated the airwaves and the print media alike. No less a personage than Fintan O'Toole, Ireland's resident intellectual and last arbiter of appropriate public discourse, entered the fray with some esoteric waffle that the "issue" wasn't really about race but about class. Free article

Fifth Column

25 January 2007

An Phoblacht's famous weekly satirical column. Free article

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Letter to the Taoiseach By Barry McElduff

25 January 2007

Philip McGuigan (a GAA man) was a bit miffed at Dermot, your Ministerial colleague, during the week. He reckons that it is all very well calling for an all-Ireland soccer team when Dermot has no real power to do anything about it. But why does he not act on matters over which he has some degree of competence and a real say. Like helping to set up that ever-elusive Joint Committee of the Oireachtas on the question of Irish Unity. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1