16 December 1999 Edition
Back issue: Relaunching national consciousness
16 December 1999
MacBride Principles activist Oliver Kearney, Father Des Wilson, Fianna Fáil dissident Nora Comiskey, Green Party member Patricia McKenna, veteran union activist Matt Merigan and artist Robert Ballagh were just some of those on the platform at a press conference held in Buswells last Friday. Free article
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Television: Christmas movies and millennial humbug
16 December 1999
Welcome to An Phoblacht's annual and highly selective trawl through some of the best and worst of this year's festive TV movie offerings. A quick word of warning. This reviewer harbours a blatant bias towards the Christmas celebrations at this time of year at the expense of all that pointless mularkey about the New Year, not to mention the so-called millennium. Readers are advised that the tone of the commentary may reflect this bias. Anyway, onwards! Free article