29 February 2016
Right2Change organiser hits out at AAA for 'disgraceful attacks' on Sinn Féin

Right2Water and Right2Change organiser Brendan Ogle
THE NATIONAL ORGANISER of the Right2Change movement, Brendan Ogle, has hit out at the Anti-Austerity Alliance (AAA) for “planning and carrying out sustained attacks on Sinn Féin candidates while taking the eye off the real enemy” – Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fáil.
Leaflets distributed during the Dáil general election by AAA candidates – who refused to sign up to the Right2Change platform alongside Sinn Féin, People Before Profit and others – attempted to dissuade voters from backing the republican party by untruthfully claiming “Sinn Féin is preparing for coalition with Fianna Fáil”.
Describing such tactics as “utterly disgraceful”, the Unite trade union official said the AAA is playing into the hands of the Establishment parties:
“Whether I, or you, like it or not, there will be no non-FF/FG Government without Sinn Féin. This is simply a mathematical fact,” he said.
He also hit-out at the AAA's isolationist policy which sees it refusing to contemplate entering a government composed of anyone bar the few small Trotskyite entities it sometimes works alongside.
“I cannot think of anything more reassuring to the capitalist system than to assure it that you will not challenge it from within government,” he said.
Brendan Ogle's comments follow those of Gerry Adams who responded to criticism from AAA leader Paul Murphy on RTÉ television on Sunday. Adams called on Paul Murphy's party to cease their divisive attacks on other progressive Left forces.
“We're going to be part of the anti-austerity leadership. And if Paul Murphy wants to be part of that he is going to have to be more leaderly and less sectarian in how he promotes his political position,” the Sinn Féin leader said.
“I respect his mandate; he has to respect the Sinn Féin mandate. We will disagree on issues but there is enough from that broad, progressive bailiwick from across the state to co-operate on,” said Adams.
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