14 August 2008 Edition

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Seán Crowe to take South Dublin County Council seat

Mark Daly and Seán Crowe

Mark Daly and Seán Crowe

SINN FÉIN will be proposing the co-option of Seán Crowe on to South Dublin County Council following the decision by Councillor Mark Daly not to contest the next local election. Mark says that although he is standing down from the council he will remain an active member of Sinn Féin.
Seán Crowe, a former councillor and TD for the area, thanked Mark Daly for his efforts on behalf of the people of Tallaght:
“I wish Mark and his family the very best for the future. For me personally I am delighted to be given the chance to represent the area again. I look forward to contesting the forthcoming local elections on behalf of Sinn Féin and to representing the residents for years to come.”
Mark Daly said:
“I am very pleased that Seán has accepted the nomination. Having someone with that wealth of experience returning to South Dublin County Council ensures that constituents will continue to have strong and effective representation at council level at a time when services to the public are under severe pressure.

“I have fully enjoyed almost 10 years representing the community and it has truly been an honour meeting so many people and helping as best I could. I have also worked with Seán closely for many years and will continue to do so as a member of Sinn Féin within the area.
“I would like to thank Sinn Féin for the opportunity given to me and the support so many have offered me as an elected representative. I would also wish to thank the staff of South Dublin County Council and my colleagues, Councillor Cathal King and Councillor Shane O’Connor, for their assistance in carrying out my role as group leader on the council.
“I know that the Sinn Féin team will continue to lead the way towards a just and equal society.”

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1