27 March 1997 Edition

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Oldest republican paper relaunched

The Irish Democrat, the longest continuously published Republican newspaper, was relaunched this month with a new layout, more regular columns and an additional four pages.

Tha paper has been published by the Connolly Association in London since 1939 and was edited for fifty years by Desmond Greaves. It has been an invaluable source of radical republican politics for the Irish in Britain and further afield. Under its new editor, David Granville, it is set to continue its proud tradition.

One interesting feature of the new paper is the unique lettering on the new masthead. It is based on that used on the flag of the `Irish Republic' which flew over the GPO in 1916. The masthead also includes a design of the Plough and the Stars which is based on the original Irish Citizen's Army flag which was hoisted over the Imperial Hotel in O'Connell Street during the Rising.

Special offer to readers of An Phoblacht

As part of their relaunch, the Irish Democrat is offering 50 readers of An Phoblacht the opportunity to obtain a free copy of the relaunch edition.

For your free copy, write to Connolly Publications, 244 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8JR or telephone the Four Provinces Bookshop on 0171 833 3022 (or 00 44 171 833 3022 from the 26 Counties). The offer will operate on a first-come first-served basis.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1