25 October 2007 Edition

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50th anniversary of Edentubber explosion remembered in Wexford

David Rossiter, Cllr Maurice Roche, Joe Parle, Jos Kielty, Paddy Parle and  Cllr. Anthony Kelly

David Rossiter, Cllr Maurice Roche, Joe Parle, Jos Kielty, Paddy Parle and Cllr. Anthony Kelly

Sinn Féin Councillors Maurice Roche, MCC and Anthony Kelly WBC along with Wexford Sinn Féin members Jos Kielty and David Rossiter present Paddy and Joe Parle with a Bodhrán especially made to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Edentubber explosion in which Paddy Parle (uncle of Paddy and Joe) died along with four comrades.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1