28 August 2003 Edition

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Sinn Féin slams Parades Commission determination

The Parades Commission's decision to allow a Royal Black Preceptory march to parade pass the Ardoyne shops on Saturday has been criticised by Sinn Féin as pandering to the Loyal Orders once again.

The commission gave the decision to allow two lodges march past nationalist houses on the Crumlin Road before going to the main demonstration in Ballynahinch, County Down.

Sinn Féin councillor Margaret McClenaghan said that once again the Commission has bowed under pressure and granted a triumphalist march permission to pass Ardoyne despite the Loyal Orders' refusal to talk to anyone to resolve the marching situation.

"Each year, we see marches being allowed to march through nationalist communities while local residents are subjected to militaristic operations hemming them into their homes from the early hours," she said. "This is despite the continual efforts of the local residents and their community and political representatives, who have attempted to foster dialogue in order to achieve a long term solution. But there is no reciprocation whatsoever coming from any of the Loyal Orders."

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1